Tuesday Jam… in the gym just working on my fitness, toneitup is my witness

Hi Ya’ll

Its Jami here, today my Tuesday jam is about toneitup.com. In the past I have been one to work out for a week and be really into it and then the next week just let it fall by the waste side cause I have other things to do. But I think working out and eating healthy is a great lifestyle and habit to make a part of your life. So toneitup.com is a website where these two women who are personal trainers from southern California have made a blog “like”page for working out and recipes. They change up the work out’s and post new videos almost everyday. As well as they have challenges for everyone. Right now they are in the Wedding Series. Which is perfect because I dont know about you but most of my friends are getting married this summer so it is a perfect challenge to get in tip top shape for those weddings. For me I am bridesmaid in my friend Rachel’s wedding and I know I am trying to look good in the dress she has picked out for us. The challenges and work outs include specific toning for different types of dresses and attire. I love this challenge and it makes it fun for brides and bridesmaids to keep each other accountable!  I have found it to be a great workout that is fun and you want to keep doing it everyday! I have another friend who is doing it with me and its a fun way to keep yourself accountable. Not only do you want to look like these gorgeous lady’s from tone it up but you feel like you have really become friends with them. I know it sounds silly but try it out and tell me what you think!



The tone it up girls! Katrina, and Karena
